Política de Privacidad / Privacy Policy
NB Inversiones SAS. sociedad constituida y existente conforme a las leyes de la República de Colombia, domiciliada en Bogotá, D.C., con oficinas principales en Bogotá D.C., Compañía”, “nosotros” o “nos”) respeta su privacidad y se compromete a protegerlo a través de esta Política de privacidad.
Esta Política de Privacidad rige su acceso y uso de www.nataliabotero.com, incluido cualquier contenido, funcionalidad, servicios y servicios virtuales ofrecidos en o a través de www.nataliabotero.com (el “Sitio web”), ya sea como invitado o como usuario registrado.
Al acceder al sitio web, la Compañía obtendrá cierta información sobre usted, tanto de manera automática como a través de acciones voluntarias que pueda tomar, durante su visita. Esta política se aplica a la información que recopilamos en el sitio web y en correos electrónicos, mensajes de texto u otros mensajes electrónicos entre usted y el sitio web.
Lea detenidamente la Política de privacidad antes de comenzar a utilizar el sitio web. Al utilizar el sitio web o al hacer clic para aceptar o aceptar los Términos de uso cuando esta opción esté disponible para usted, usted acepta y acepta estar obligado y cumplir con la Política de privacidad. Si no desea aceptar la Política de privacidad, no debe acceder ni usar el sitio web.
Niños menores de 18 años
Nuestro sitio web no está destinado a niños menores de 18 años. Nadie menor de 18 años puede proporcionar información en el sitio web. No recopilamos deliberadamente información personal de niños menores de 18 años. Si es menor de 18 años, no use ni proporcione ninguna información en este sitio web o en cualquiera de sus funciones / regístrese en el sitio web, realice compras a través del sitio web, use cualquiera de las funciones de comentarios interactivos o públicos de este sitio web o proporcionarnos información sobre usted, incluidos su nombre, dirección, número de teléfono, dirección de correo electrónico o cualquier nombre de pantalla o nombre de usuario que pueda usar.
Si descubrimos que hemos recopilado o recibido información personal de un niño menor de 18 años sin verificación del consentimiento de los padres, eliminaremos dicha información. Si cree que podemos obtener información de un menor de 18 años o acerca de este, contáctenos en info@nataliabotero.com.
Información que recopilamos sobre usted
Cuando ingrese al sitio web, la Compañía obtendrá cierta información sobre usted durante su visita.
Información que nos proporciona. El sitio web proporciona varios lugares para que los usuarios proporcionen información. Recopilamos información que los usuarios envían al completar formularios en el sitio web, comunicándonos a través de formularios de contacto, respondiendo encuestas, consultas de búsqueda en nuestra función de búsqueda, proporcionando comentarios u otros comentarios, y proporcionando información al solicitar un producto o servicio a través del sitio web .
Usamos la información que nos proporciona para entregar el producto o servicio solicitado, para mejorar nuestro rendimiento general y para ofrecerle ofertas, promociones e información.
Información que recopilamos a través de la tecnología de recopilación de datos automática. A medida que navega por nuestro sitio web, podemos utilizar tecnologías automáticas de recopilación de datos que incluyen Google Analytics para recopilar cierta información sobre su equipo, acciones de exploración y patrones. En general, esto incluirá información sobre su ubicación, su patrón de tráfico a través de nuestro sitio web y cualquier comunicación entre su computadora y nuestro sitio web. Entre otras cosas, recopilaremos datos sobre el tipo de computadora que usa, su conexión a Internet, su dirección IP, su sistema operativo y su tipo de navegador.
La información que recopilamos automáticamente se usa para datos estadísticos y no incluirá información personal. Usamos esta información para mejorar nuestro sitio web y nuestra oferta de servicios. En la medida en que nos brinde voluntariamente información personal, nuestros sistemas asociarán la información recopilada automáticamente con su información personal.
Uso de cookies, píxeles y scripts
Al igual que en otros sitios web comerciales, nuestro sitio web utiliza una tecnología estándar llamada “cookies” y registros del servidor para recopilar información sobre cómo se usa nuestro sitio. La información recopilada a través de las cookies y los registros del servidor puede incluir la fecha y hora de las visitas, las páginas visitadas, el tiempo pasado en nuestro sitio y los sitios web visitados justo antes y después del nuestro, así como su dirección IP.
Una cookie es un documento de texto muy pequeño, que a menudo incluye un identificador único anónimo. Cuando visita un sitio web, la computadora de ese sitio le pide permiso a su computadora para almacenar este archivo en una parte de su disco duro designado específicamente para cookies. Cada sitio web puede enviar su propia cookie a su navegador si las preferencias de su navegador lo permiten, pero (para proteger su privacidad) su navegador sólo permite que un sitio web acceda a las cookies que ya le envió, no las que le envían otros sitios.
La Compañía se reserva el derecho de usar equivalentes tecnológicos de cookies, incluidos los píxeles de las redes sociales. Estos píxeles permiten a los sitios de redes sociales rastrear a los visitantes a sitios web externos a fin de personalizar los mensajes publicitarios que los usuarios ven al visitar ese sitio web de redes sociales. La Compañía se reserva el derecho de utilizar estos píxeles de acuerdo con las políticas de los diversos sitios de redes sociales.
Asimismo, La Compañía se reserva la opción de utilizar «scripts» para recopilar información proporcionada por los navegadores o por Google Tag Manager. Dicha información puede incluir localización del usuario, campaña por la cual ingresó el usuario a nuestra página, tipo de buscador, como otros.
Uso de cookies por parte de terceros
Algunos contenidos o aplicaciones, incluidos anuncios, en el sitio web son atendidos por terceros, incluidos anunciantes, redes publicitarias y servidores, proveedores de contenido y proveedores de aplicaciones. Estos terceros pueden utilizar cookies solos o junto con balizas web u otras tecnologías de seguimiento para recopilar información sobre usted cuando utiliza nuestro sitio web. La información que recopilan puede estar asociada a su información personal o pueden recopilar información, incluida información personal, sobre sus actividades en línea a lo largo del tiempo y en diferentes sitios web y otros servicios en línea. Pueden usar esta información para proporcionarle publicidad basada en intereses (conductual) u otro contenido específico.
No controlamos las tecnologías de seguimiento de estos terceros ni cómo se pueden usar. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre un anuncio u otro contenido dirigido, debe contactar al proveedor responsable directamente.
Información de correo electrónico
Si elige comunicarse con nosotros por correo electrónico, podemos conservar el contenido de sus mensajes de correo electrónico junto con su dirección de correo electrónico y nuestras respuestas. Brindamos las mismas protecciones para estas comunicaciones electrónicas que empleamos en el mantenimiento de la información recibida en línea, por correo y por teléfono. Esto también se aplica cuando se registra en nuestro sitio web, se registra a través de cualquiera de nuestros formularios usando su dirección de correo electrónico o realiza una compra en este sitio. Para obtener más información, consulte las políticas de correo electrónico a continuación.
Políticas de email
Nos comprometemos a mantener su dirección de correo electrónico confidencial. No vendemos, alquilamos ni alquilamos nuestras listas de suscripción a terceros, y no divulgaremos su dirección de correo electrónico a terceros, a excepción de lo permitido en la sección titulada Divulgación de su información.
Mantendremos la información que envíe por correo electrónico de acuerdo con la ley aplicable.
De conformidad con la Ley CAN-SPAM, todos los correos electrónicos enviados desde nuestra organización indicarán claramente de quién es el correo electrónico y proporcionarán información clara sobre cómo contactar al remitente. Además, todos los mensajes de correo electrónico también contendrán información concisa sobre cómo eliminarse de nuestra lista de correo para que no reciba más comunicaciones por correo electrónico de nuestra parte.
Nuestros correos electrónicos brindan a los usuarios la oportunidad de optar por no recibir comunicaciones de nosotros y nuestros socios al leer las instrucciones de cancelación de suscripción que se encuentran en la parte inferior de cualquier correo electrónico que reciban de nosotros en cualquier momento.
Los usuarios que ya no desean recibir nuestro boletín informativo o materiales promocionales pueden optar por no recibir estas comunicaciones haciendo clic en el enlace para darse de baja en el correo electrónico.
Cómo y por qué recopilamos información
La Compañía recopila su información para registrar y respaldar su participación en las actividades que seleccione. Si se registra para descargar un libro o recursos, suscribirse a nuestro boletín de noticias y / o comprarnos un producto, recopilamos su información. Utilizamos esta información para rastrear sus preferencias y mantenerlo informado sobre los productos y servicios que ha seleccionado recibir y cualquier producto o servicio relacionado. Como visitante de este sitio web, puede participar en la mayoría de las actividades sin proporcionar ninguna información personal. Solo cuando intenta descargar recursos y / o registrarse para recibir servicios debe proporcionar información.
Si se encuentra fuera de la Unión Europea y opta por recibir recursos gratuitos, participar en cualquier programa de capacitación gratuito, inscribirse en un seminario web, registrarse para un evento en vivo, inscribirse en un seminario o comprar cualquier producto vendido por la Compañía en este sitio web, automáticamente usted quedará inscrito para recibir nuestro boletín de correo electrónico gratuito. Si no desea recibir este boletín informativo, puede darse de baja en cualquier momento. Incluimos un enlace de “cancelación de suscripción” en la parte inferior de cada correo electrónico que enviamos. Si alguna vez tiene problemas para darse de baja, puede enviar un mensaje a info@nataliabotero.com solicitando cancelar la suscripción de futuros correos electrónicos.
¿Cómo utilizamos la información que nos proporciona?
Usamos información personal para presentar nuestro sitio web y sus contenidos, proporcionarle información, ofrecerle ofertas de productos y servicios, proporcionarle información sobre sus suscripciones y productos, llevar a cabo cualquier contrato entre usted y la empresa, administrar nuestras actividades comerciales, proporcionar servicio al cliente y poner a disposición otros artículos y servicios para nuestros clientes y posibles clientes.
De vez en cuando, podemos utilizar la información que nos proporcione para hacerle ofertas para comprar productos y servicios proporcionados por terceros a cambio de que terceros nos paguen una comisión. Si opta por participar en tales promociones, los terceros recibirán su información.
De vez en cuando, podemos utilizar la información que nos proporciona para mostrarle publicidades que se adaptan a sus características, intereses y actividades personales.
Divulgación de su información
Como regla general, no vendemos, alquilamos, alquilamos ni transferimos ninguna información recopilada ya sea automáticamente o mediante su acción voluntaria.
Podemos divulgar su información personal a nuestras subsidiarias, afiliadas y proveedores de servicios con el fin de proporcionarle nuestros servicios.
Podemos divulgar su información personal a un tercero, incluido un abogado o una agencia de cobro, cuando sea necesario para hacer cumplir nuestros términos de servicio o cualquier otro acuerdo entre usted y la Compañía.
Podemos proporcionar su información a cualquier sucesor en interés en caso de una fusión, desinversión, reestructuración, reorganización, disolución u otra venta o transferencia de algunos o todos los activos y / o negocios de la Compañía.
Podemos divulgar información cuando nos obligan legalmente a hacerlo, en otras palabras, cuando, de buena fe, creemos que la ley lo exige o para la protección de nuestros derechos legales o cuando un tribunal u otra entidad gubernamental lo obliga a hacerlo.
¿Cómo protegemos su información y transmisiones seguras de información?
Empleamos métodos comercialmente razonables para garantizar la seguridad de la información que nos proporciona y la información que recopilamos automáticamente. Esto incluye el uso de protocolos de seguridad estándar y el trabajo solo con proveedores de terceros confiables.
El correo electrónico no está reconocido como un medio seguro de comunicación. Por este motivo, le solicitamos que no nos envíe información privada por correo electrónico. Sin embargo, hacerlo está permitido, pero bajo su propio riesgo. Parte de la información que puede ingresar en nuestro sitio web puede transmitirse de manera segura a través de un medio seguro conocido como Secure Sockets Layer o SSL. La información de la tarjeta de crédito y otra información confidencial nunca se transmite por correo electrónico.
La Compañía puede usar programas de software para crear estadísticas de resumen, que se utilizan para evaluar el número de visitantes a las diferentes secciones de nuestro sitio, qué información es de mayor interés y de menor interés, determinar las especificaciones de diseño técnico e identificar el rendimiento del sistema o áreas problemáticas.
Para propósitos de seguridad del sitio y para asegurar que este servicio permanezca disponible para todos los usuarios, la Compañía usa programas de software para monitorear el tráfico de la red para identificar intentos no autorizados de cargar o cambiar información, o causar daños de otra manera.
Cambios en la política
Es nuestra política publicar cualquier cambio que realicemos en nuestra política de privacidad en esta página. Si realizamos cambios materiales en la forma en que tratamos la información personal de nuestros usuarios, se lo notificaremos por correo electrónico a la dirección de correo electrónico especificada en su cuenta y / o a través de un aviso en la página de inicio del sitio web. La fecha de la última revisión de la política de privacidad se identifica en la parte inferior de la página. Usted es responsable de garantizar que tengamos una dirección de correo electrónico activa y entregada actualizada para usted, y que visite periódicamente nuestro sitio web y esta política de privacidad para verificar cualquier cambio.
Derechos de GDPR de los visitantes
Si se encuentra dentro de la Unión Europea, tiene derecho a cierta información y tiene ciertos derechos en virtud del Reglamento general de protección de datos. Esos derechos incluyen:
Retendremos la información que elija proporcionarnos hasta la primera de las siguientes: (a) si nos solicita que eliminemos la información, (b) nuestra decisión de dejar de utilizar nuestros proveedores de datos existentes, o (c) la Compañía decide que la el valor de conservar los datos se ve compensado por los costos de conservación.
Tiene derecho a solicitar el acceso a sus datos que almacena la Empresa y los derechos a rectificar o borrar sus datos personales.
Usted tiene el derecho de buscar restricciones en el procesamiento de sus datos.
Tiene derecho a objetar el procesamiento de sus datos y el derecho a la portabilidad de sus datos.
En la medida en que haya otorgado su consentimiento para que la Compañía procese sus datos personales, tiene derecho a retirar ese consentimiento en cualquier momento, sin afectar la legalidad del procesamiento en base al consentimiento que ocurrió antes de que retire su consentimiento.
Tiene derecho a presentar una queja ante una autoridad supervisora que tenga jurisdicción sobre cuestiones relacionadas con el Reglamento general de protección de datos.
Requerimos solo la información que se requiere razonablemente para celebrar un contrato con usted. No le exigiremos que preste su consentimiento para cualquier procesamiento innecesario como condición para celebrar un contrato con nosotros.
La compañía agradece sus preguntas o comentarios con respecto a la Política de privacidad:
NB Inversiones SAS
Contáctenos en info@nataliabotero.com
En vigencia desde el 11 agosto de 2018
Privacy Policy
The websites https://www.nataliabotero.com, http://www.propiedadespremiumcolombia.com, www.thegaletribe.com, (hereinafter collectively “Website”) are owned and operated by NB Inversiones SAS incorporated company existing according to the laws of the Republic of Colombia domiciled in Bogotá, DC, with main offices in Bogotá DC and the Inversiones LLC, a Limited Liability Company (hereinafter “Company»,» we» or «us») respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it through this Privacy Policy. You as a visitor and/or user of Website agree to the following Privacy Policy, and your use of any of the above sites constitutes your agreement with and acceptance to be bound by the terms herein.
This Privacy Policy governs your access to and use of all websites outline above, including any content, functionality, services and virtual services offered. It informs you of how we collect and process your personal data, including that which you provide by voluntarily “opting in” to receive a free resource, subscribing to our list or newsletter, purchasing a product or service, or contacting us via our website, as well as that which we may collect automatically from you based upon your activity on our Website. By accessing the website, the Company will obtain certain information about you, both automatically and through voluntary actions you may take, during your visit. This policy applies to the information we collect on the website and in emails, text messages or other electronic messages between you and the website.
We may update these terms from time to time and will provide notice via email of any material changes made to this Privacy Policy. We will not provide notice of any minor updates, and acknowledge it is your responsibility to read any updated version(s), and that you agree to be bound by the most updated versions of this Policy.
Children under 18 years old
Our website is not intended for children under 18 years of age. No one under the age of 18 can provide information on the website. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 18. If you are under 18, do not use or provide any information on this website or any of its functions / register on the website, make purchases through the website, use any of the interactive or public comments features of this website or provide us with information about you, including your name, address, telephone number, email address or any screen name or username you may use.
If we discover that we have collected or received personal information from a child under the age of 18 without verification of parental consent, we will remove that information. If you believe that we have obtained information about a person under 18 years of age, please contact us immediately at info@nataliabotero.com.
Information we collect about you
When you access the website, the Company will obtain certain information about you during your visit.
The Website provides several opportunities for you, the user, to voluntarily provide us with your personal information in exchange for a free resource, to be added to or email or subscriber list, in response to a survey or in making a comment on the Website, or to contact us. If you elect to “opt-in” and provide us with your personal information for any of these purposes, we will collect the information you provide, which may include your name, email address, phone number, and the text of any message you send us. We will also process personal information in the form of comments, images, or videos you make or share on our blogs, social media pages, or any other online forum currently available, or made available in the future. You understand that your decision to provide any information to us in this manner is voluntary, and constitutes your clear consent to allow us to collect, process, and retain it.
If you elect to fill out the “contact us” portion of our website, or provide us with any other communication data, including but not limited to that provided via email, social media messaging or posts, or text messages, we may collect information including your name, email address, phone number, information you share with that social media platform, as well as the text of any message you send electronically. This data will be processed based on our legitimate interest in communicating with you, answer any questions or concerns you have. We may also retain your data to keep a record of the communication.
If you become a customer, we will collect additional information in order to carry out and complete the purchase and sale of the goods or services you have requested, including but not limited to your name, email address, billing address, credit card or payment information, and any other information necessary in order to complete purchase of the product or service you elect to buy. We will collect and process this data in order to fulfill our contractual obligation to complete your order and will not retain the information any longer than necessary. We use third party data processors to take and complete payment, and we will not retain nor have access to your payment information.
If you are on our email list due to your consent to be added, or our legitimate interest in engaging in direct marketing, we may also use your data to send you targeted social media advertisements or upload your information into our social media account to create look-a-like audiences. To ensure compliance with the CAN-SPAM act, all emails from us will clearly state the sender of the email, as well as provide instructions on how to unsubscribe from our list, or contact us with any questions or concerns.
We may also collect information though Automatic Data Collection Technology. We may use or send standard “cookies” to identify your browser from time to time. We do not include any personally identifiable information in cookies, and will not employ any other mechanisms (other than those discussed above) to capture data on our website. We may use both session cookies (which expire once you close your browser) and persistent cookies (which stay on your computer until you delete them). You can accept or decline cookies using your web browser settings. If you choose to disable cookies, some areas of Website may not work properly or at all. Website does not respond to Do Not Track signals sent by your browser.
Use of cookies, pixels and scripts
As in other commercial websites, our website uses a standard technology called «cookies» and server logs to gather information about how our site is used. The information collected through cookies and server logs can include the date and time of visits, the pages visited, the time spent on our site and the websites visited just before and after ours, as well as your IP address.
A cookie is a very small text document, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier. When you visit a website, the computer on that site asks your computer for permission to store this file on a part of your hard drive specifically designated for cookies. Each website can send its own cookie to your browser if your browser’s preferences allow it, but (to protect your privacy) your browser only allows a website to access the cookies it has already sent to you, not those sent to you by others sites .
The Company reserves the right to use technological equivalents of cookies, including pixels of social networks. These pixels allow social networking sites to track visitors to external websites in order to personalize the advertising messages that users see when visiting that social networking website. The Company reserves the right to use these pixels in accordance with the policies of the various social networking sites.
We reserve the right to use «scripts» to gather information from your browser or from Google Tag Manager. This information might include your location (based on your IP settings), the marketing campaign that brought you to our site, browser details and other additional information.
Use of cookies by third parties
Some content or applications, including advertisements, on the website are served by third parties, including advertisers, ad networks and servers, content providers and application providers. These third parties may use cookies alone or together with web beacons or other tracking technologies to collect information about you when you use our website. The information they collect may be associated with your personal information or they may collect information, including personal information, about your online activities over time and on different websites and other online services. You may use this information to provide you with advertising based on interests (behavioral) or other specific content.
We do not control the tracking technologies of these third parties or how they can be used. If you have any questions about an ad or other targeted content, you should contact the responsible provider directly.
We may also collect data about how you use Website, your browsing actions or patterns, computer equipment, IP address, internet connection, and other similar choices you make, including via Google Analytics and Facebook Pixels, to collect certain information about your computer, scanning actions and patterns. In general, this will include information about your location, your traffic pattern through our website and any communication between your computer and our website. Among other things, we will collect data about the type of computer you use, your Internet connection, your IP address, your operating system and your browser type in order to obtain statistical data, improve our website and offerings, and ensure you receive information relevant to you. If we utilize this technology, we will use them in compliance with all policies of these third party companies. We may receive personal data from third parties including Google, social media platforms, search engines, Paypal, Stripe, and other third party payment processing companies. The information we collect automatically is used for statistical data and will not include personal information. We use this information to improve our website and our service offerings. To the extent that you voluntarily provide us with personal information, our systems will associate the information collected automatically with your personal information.
Email information
If you choose to communicate with us by email, we may retain the content of your email messages along with your email address and our responses. We provide the same protections for these electronic communications that we employ in the maintenance of the information received online, by mail and by telephone. This also applies when you register on our website, register through any of our forms using your email address or make a purchase on this site. For more information, see the email policies below.
Email policies
We are committed to keeping your email address confidential. We do not sell, rent or rent our subscription lists to third parties, and we will not disclose your email address to third parties, except as permitted in the section entitled Disclosure of your information.
We will keep the information you send by email in accordance with applicable law.
In accordance with the CAN-SPAM Act, all emails sent from our organization will clearly indicate who the email is and provide clear information on how to contact the sender. In addition, all email messages will also contain concise information on how to remove yourself from our mailing list so that you do not receive further email communications from us.
Our emails give users the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from us and our partners by reading the unsubscribe instructions found at the bottom of any email they receive from us at any time.
Users who no longer wish to receive our newsletter or promotional materials may choose not to receive these communications by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the email.
Lawful Grounds for Processing: In order to ensure compliance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) we confirm we have lawful grounds for processing the information we collect from you. If you provide your personal information via our “contact us” page or send us any other form of electronic communication, we will process your data based upon our legitimate interest to respond to user or customer inquiries. If you elect to receive communication from us by “opting in” and provide us with your name and email address in exchange for a free resource or training, or if you purchase from us, we will process your data for the purpose it was collected based on your affirmative consent to do so, and may periodically send you additional email marketing based upon our legitimate interest in marketing to those that have shown an interest in our products or services. We may also give you the option to be added to our email list, in order to receive our newsletter, information about our products and services, and other information we believe may be of interest to you based upon your decision to opt-in to one or more of our free resources, and will obtain your consent to do so. You may withdraw consent at any time by contacting us and requesting your information be edited, updated, or deleted. We do not collect any sensitive data, nor any information regarding criminal offenses or convictions.
How and why we collect information
We collect your personal information when you voluntarily, directly provide it to us to receive a free or paid resource, product, or service, or when you fill out a form or send an email to contact us, and we do so in order to provide you with the resource you have indicated you’d like to receive. If you register to download a book or resources, subscribe to our newsletter and / or buy a product, we collect your information. We use this information to track your preferences and keep you informed about the products and services you have selected to receive and any related products or services. As a visitor to this website, you can participate in most activities without providing any personal information. Only when you try to download resources and / or register to receive services should you provide information. We may also track your future interactions with our content, and use your personal information to keep you informed about the products and services you have elected to receive, as well as any linked or similar products or services we think you may be interested in. The information will be collected by us following your choice to manually enter it in, and click to be added to our list. No such information will be collected without your taking action to be added to our list, or in exchange for a free resource.
We may also receive data from third parties like Google Analytics, Facebook and other advertising platforms, providers of technical or payment services as needed, and other similar third parties. We do our best to only utilize third parties who have been deemed GDPR-compliant, and whom we have either completed a data processing agreement with, or have reviewed and confirmed their policies regarding data processing to ensure compliance.
If you are outside the European Union and choose to receive free resources, participate in any free training program, sign up for a webinar, register for a live event, register for a seminar or buy any product sold by the Company in this website, you will automatically be registered to receive our free email newsletter. If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, you can unsubscribe at any time. We include a «unsubscribe» link at the bottom of each email we send. If you ever have problems unsubscribing, you can send a message to info@nataliabotero.com requesting to cancel the subscription of future emails.
How do we use the information you provide us?
You have the right to know and understand how your information is used. We will use the personally identifiable information you voluntarily give us in order to carry out the service or product you requested, including free resources, trainings, newsletters, periodic promotional emails, and to notify you about any changes to our policies or services. We may also use your personal information to form “look-a-like” audiences in our digital marketing campaigns, which includes uploading your information into our social media advertising campaign.
If you purchase something from us, we will use your billing address and credit card information to complete your desired purchase or purchases only, and will not store or share any such information. By providing this information to us, you understand and agree that we may use and store such information to send emails, bill credit cards in exchange for programs or products purchased, or utilize comments for marketing purposes.
If you make a purchase from us, we may also use your personal information to send necessary updates to our products or services you have purchased, or to keep you informed of any necessary information relating to our products or services.
Non-Personally Identifiable Information: Additional non-identifying information that is collected may be used to provide an overview of how people are accessing and using Website; it is not used for any additional purposes, and
the Website does not use any such data to make automated decisions. We may also record some or all information to help create a better user experience. We may use information such as your IP address to help diagnose technical problems with servers or our website, and to determine which portions of our website receive the most traffic, to understand which content is the most useful to our visitors. Your IP address will not personally identify you, and may be used in such limited purposes as outlined above, in order to improve user experience.
Disclosure of your information
As a general rule, we do not sell, rent, rent or transfer any information collected either automatically or through your voluntary action.
We may disclose your personal information to our subsidiaries, affiliates and service providers in order to provide our services.
We may disclose your personal information to a third party, including a lawyer or a collection agency, when necessary to enforce our terms of service or any other agreement between you and the Company.
We may provide your information to any successor in interest in the event of a merger, divestment, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution or other sale or transfer of some or all of the assets and / or business of the Company.
We may disclose information when we are legally compelled to do so, in other words, when, in good faith, we believe that the law requires it or for the protection of our legal rights or when a court or other governmental entity requires us to do so.
How do we protect your information and secure information transmissions?
You have the right to know what information is stored (and not stored) and how it is processed. Your information is stored through a data management system, and it is important to us to take appropriate measures to ensure your information is kept confidential. You understand that there are limited purposes where we will share your confidential information, including with those who are providing technical support for our website, or those who are members of our team, including legal and accounting. Any parties who will have access to your information will keep such information confidential and will never share with any unrelated parties to the best of our abilities. information provided by you will never be shared, sold, or given to any other company or person without your consent, other than what is required to complete a purchase or request you have made, unless required to do so by law, or any governmental requirements. We require all such third parties to treat your personal information in accordance with the law, and only allow them to process your personal data for specific, necessary purposes.
We use commercially reasonable methods to ensure the security of the information you provide us and the information we collect automatically. This includes the use of standard security protocols and work only with trusted third-party providers.
Email is not recognized as a secure means of communication. For this reason, we ask you not to send us private information by email. However, doing so is allowed, but at your own risk. Some of the information that you can enter on our website can be transmitted securely through a secure means known as Secure Sockets Layer or SSL. Credit card information and other confidential information is never transmitted by email.
The Company may use software programs to create summary statistics, which are used to evaluate the number of visitors to the different sections of our site, what information is of most interest and of least interest, determine the technical design specifications and identify the System performance or problem areas.
For purposes of site security and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, the Company uses software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage.
Please be aware we may disclose information provided if we are required to do so by law, or if there is an honest, good faith belief that such disclose is necessary to protect the rights of our website or of Us that any portion of our policies are being violated, to prevent or mitigate a belief that a crime may being committed, or to protect that safety or rights of our other uses. This information may also be shared as a result of the sale of our Company or any branch of the company, as well as with any joint venture partners or affiliate marketers, should we deem it necessary to share such information. We will always take all reasonable measures to protect and safeguard your information.
This website, and the servers and parties which made this website available on a global scale, are located within and operate within the United States and Colombia. The internet laws of the United States and Georgia govern any and all matters relating to this Website, including content, as well as the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as they apply to residents of the European Union. Any information you choose to provide through this website, including subscribing to a newsletter, opting-in to receive a free gift, or purchasing something will be transferred to the United States for processing. That information may then be transferred within the United States or back out of the United States to other countries outside of your country of residence, depending on the type of information, and how it is stored by us. If transferred to another country, it may not have data protection laws that are as comprehensive or protective as those in your country of residence; however, our collection, storage, and use of your Personal Information will at all times be governed by this Privacy Policy. By visiting our Website, you acknowledge this information, and by submitting any personal information onto our Website, you hereby authorize this transfer and processing of information.
By collecting and using your personal data, We are acting as a data controller, meaning we determine what information is collected, how long it is stored, and what the Personal Information will be used for. We utilize a third-party company to act as a data processor, which stores information such as names and email addresses that make up our email list. To the best of our ability, we have researched and concluded that all third-party data processors we use have advised us they are compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations as well.
Information Protection & Security
We use commercially reasonable methods to safeguard your personal data, including that which you provide to use, and that which we collect automatically, by using reasonable online security measures, and sharing your data with reputable third party vendors that are compliant with generally accepted security and safety measures. We utilize a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) on our website in order to assist in the secure transfer of information; however, it can never be guaranteed. Should We become aware that a data breach has occurred, We will timely notify the necessary parties with as much information as we have available.
While our team does our best to protect the information we collect, and prevent any misuse, unauthorized access, or disclosure, you understand that we cannot be responsible should an unauthorized third party obtain access to our information, without our consent. Should our website be tampered with, you understand that your personal information may be accessed by these unauthorized parties. You agree that we are not responsible for any such actions, and acknowledge you will hold us harmless should your information become intercepted in this way without our knowledge, permission, or consent, which includes a release of any and all claims related to use of such information by such an unauthorized party.
We have determined it is not required to appoint a Data Protection Officer, as our core activities do not consist of processing operations that require regular and systematic monitoring of data subjects nor do we process sensitive categories of data on a large scale.
Data Retention
We will retain the minimum amount of Personal Information required of yours, including name, email address, and behavior tracking, as long as you elect to remain on our mailing list, and any additional Personal Information as long as it is needed in order to fulfil the purpose for which it was initially collected, such as completing a purchase. We will also retain and use collected information as necessary in order to comply with any legal obligations, resolve any disputes, or as otherwise reasonably determined. If at any point you elect to be removed from our database, your information will be deleted, and no longer retained.
GDPR rights of visitors
If you are within the European Union, you have the right to certain information and have certain rights under the General Data Protection Regulation. These rights include:
We will retain the information you choose to provide us until the first of the following: (a) if you request us to delete the information, (b) our decision to stop using our existing data providers, or (c) the Company decides that the value of conserving data is offset by conservation costs.
Right of Access, Right to Rectification Right to Restriction or Objection of Processing, Right to Data Portability: You have the right to request information about how your data is being used, request a copy of the data we have, correct or edit data you initially provided us, restrict how we process your data in certain circumstances, receive your personal data in order to use it elsewhere. Please contact us at the above email address for more information.
Right to be Forgotten: You have the right to withdraw your consent to give us your Personal Information by clicking the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any email we send to you. Once unsubscribed, we will remove you from our list, and you should not receive any further emails from us, absent a technical glitch.
To the extent that you have given your consent for the Company to process your personal data, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing based on the consent that occurred before you withdraw your consent.
You have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority that has jurisdiction over matters related to the general Data Protection Regulation.
We require only information that is reasonably required to enter into a contract with you. We will not require you to consent to any unnecessary processing as a condition of entering into a contract with us.
Third Party Links – Not Included Under This Policy
We may provide links to other websites on our website, from time to time. Unless otherwise stated, this Privacy Policy only covers information that we collect from you on our website, which is expressly controlled by us. You understand that should you click on a link and be taken to another website, this Privacy Policy does not attach, and we have no control, responsibility, or liability for content, activities, or policies of any other company, website, or individual. You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of third parties, and that you understand you will need to review the privacy policy of each individual website to confirm their specific policies.
Contact Us
The company appreciates your questions or comments regarding the Privacy Policy:
NB Inversiones SAS
Natalia Botero LLC
Contact us at info@nataliabotero.com.
In effect from August 1, 2022.